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  • David

XYZ files to AutoDesk's Revit

Updated: Aug 31, 2021

We thought we would front-end a lot of questions regarding converting XYZ to AutoCAD or Revit products.

Rather than re-invent the wheel there are few key resources linked below to help with your conversion.

WARNING: ReCap 2022 is a Windows 10 ONLY program and does come as an additional licensing fee

Revit prefers to work with its ReCap pro, priced around $340/year.


1. Obtain/install ReCap Pro for your use

2. Select New Project -> Import Point Cloud

3. Navigate to your Point Cloud XYZ file

4. Start Import Cloud process, we ran a 500MB file on an older machine and it took 5 minutes to render the cloud and save the file as "yournamehere.rcp" file

5. Open file in AutoCAD Revit by Insert->Point Cloud->*Navigate to YourNameHere.RCP*

Helpful Videos:

Skipping to 32:46 to get the tactical help from the Matterpak on-

Skipping to 6:32 for Revit Help in the following:

AutoCad, Revit are copywritten products from AutoDesk, who owns and maintains all licensing therein.

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